Dancing with the Stars


Dancing with the Stars is an Irish reality television series, to be aired on RTÉ One, hosted by Amanda Byram and Nicky Byrne. The show is based on the original UK version, and is part of the Dancing with the Stars franchise. The judging panel consists of Julian Benson, Loraine Barry and Brian Redmond. 11 Irish celebrity dancers will compete in this years show, Rob Heffernan, Tomas O’Leary, Norah Casey, Deirdre O’Kane, Anna Geary, Jake Carter, Marty Morrissey, Maia Dunphy, Eirn McGregor, Bernard O’Shea and Alannah Beirn. The programme will begin its broadcasting from the 7th January 2018 and run for 12 weeks. Audio will be provided by Sound Design.